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Отредактировать библиотеку под замену шунта для ina219

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Подскажите как правильно расширить диапазон по току и напряжению в модуле ina219 ? Шунт заменил на такой:


Opera Снимок_2022-07-09_145903_prom.ua.png

Opera Снимок_2022-07-09_145922_prom.ua.png

шунт на 3750мкОм

библиотеку взял INA219_WE-master

менять в скетче данные не получается, значит нужно лезть в библиотеку. Насколько я понял мне нужно свои данные вставить сюда:


Но есть у меня сомнения, может еще где-то надо подправить ? И еще, если с током понятно, что решается заменой шунта, а вот с напряжением не очень. У меня 36 вольт, а там расчитано на 26 вольт, вот не могу сообразить , если делитель напряжения делать, то как его подключать к модулю, чтоб не повлияло на показания?

Вот файл конфигурации:

This is a library for the INA219 Current Sensor Module
* You'll find an example which should enable you to use the library. 
* You are free to use it, change it or build on it. In case you like 
* it, it would be cool if you give it a star.
* If you find bugs, please inform me!
* Written by Wolfgang (Wolle) Ewald
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/en/ina219-current-and-power-sensor (English)
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/ina219 (German)

#include "INA219_WE.h"

INA219_WE::INA219_WE(int addr){
#ifndef USE_TINY_WIRE_M_
    _wire = &Wire;
    i2cAddress = addr;   

#ifndef USE_TINY_WIRE_M_
    _wire = &Wire;
    i2cAddress = 0x40;   

#ifndef USE_TINY_WIRE_M_
INA219_WE::INA219_WE(TwoWire *w, int addr){
    _wire = w;
    i2cAddress = addr; 

INA219_WE::INA219_WE(TwoWire *w){
    _wire = w;
    i2cAddress = 0x40;
bool INA219_WE::init(){ 
    if( !reset_INA219() )
        return false;
    shuntFactor = 1.0;
    overflow = false;
    shuntVoltageOffset = 0.0;
    offsetIsSet = false;
    return true;

bool INA219_WE::reset_INA219(){
    byte ack = writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, INA219_RST); 
    return ack == 0;

void INA219_WE::setCorrectionFactor(float corr){
    calValCorrected = calVal * corr;
    writeRegister(INA219_CAL_REG, calValCorrected);

void INA219_WE::setShuntVoltOffset_mV(float offs){
    shuntVoltageOffset = offs;
    offsetIsSet = true; 

void INA219_WE::setADCMode(INA219_ADC_MODE mode){
    deviceADCMode = mode;
    uint16_t currentConfReg = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    currentConfReg &= ~(0x0780);  
    currentConfReg &= ~(0x0078);
    uint16_t adcMask = mode<<3;
    currentConfReg |= adcMask;
    adcMask = mode<<7;
    currentConfReg |= adcMask;
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, currentConfReg);

void INA219_WE::setMeasureMode(INA219_MEASURE_MODE mode){
    deviceMeasureMode = mode;
    uint16_t currentConfReg = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    currentConfReg &= ~(0x0007);
    currentConfReg |= deviceMeasureMode;
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, currentConfReg);

void INA219_WE::setPGain(INA219_PGAIN gain){
    devicePGain = gain;
    uint16_t currentConfReg = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    currentConfReg &= ~(0x1800);
    currentConfReg |= devicePGain;
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, currentConfReg);
        case PG_40:
            calVal = 20480;
            currentDivider_mA = 50.0;
            pwrMultiplier_mW = 0.4;
            shuntOverflowLimit = 4000;
        case PG_80:
            calVal = 10240;
            currentDivider_mA = 25.0;
            pwrMultiplier_mW = 0.8;
            shuntOverflowLimit = 8000;
        case PG_160:
            calVal = 8192;
            currentDivider_mA = 20.0;
            pwrMultiplier_mW = 1.0;
            shuntOverflowLimit = 16000;
        case PG_320:
            calVal = 4096;
            currentDivider_mA = 10.0;
            pwrMultiplier_mW = 2.0;
            shuntOverflowLimit = 32000;
    writeRegister(INA219_CAL_REG, calVal);

void INA219_WE::setBusRange(INA219_BUS_RANGE range){
    deviceBusRange = range;
    uint16_t currentConfReg = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    currentConfReg &= ~(0x2000);
    currentConfReg |= deviceBusRange;
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, currentConfReg);

void INA219_WE::setShuntSizeInOhms(float shuntSize){
    shuntFactor = shuntSize / 0.1;

float INA219_WE::getShuntVoltage_mV(){
    int16_t val;
    val = (int16_t) readRegister(INA219_SHUNT_REG);
    if((abs(val))== shuntOverflowLimit){
        overflow = true;
        overflow = false;
    return (val * 0.01);

float INA219_WE::getBusVoltage_V(){
    uint16_t val;
    val = readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG);
    val = ((val>>3) * 4);
    return (val * 0.001);

float INA219_WE::getCurrent_mA(){
    int16_t val;
    int16_t offsetCurrent = 0;
    val = (int16_t)readRegister(INA219_CURRENT_REG);
        offsetCurrent = (int16_t)(shuntVoltageOffset * 100.0 * calVal / 4096.0);
    return ((val - offsetCurrent) / (currentDivider_mA * shuntFactor));

float INA219_WE::getBusPower(){
    uint16_t val;
    float busPwr = 0.0;
        float current = getCurrent_mA();
        float busVolt = getBusVoltage_V();
        busPwr = current * busVolt;   
        val = readRegister(INA219_PWR_REG);
        busPwr = val * pwrMultiplier_mW / shuntFactor;
    return busPwr;

bool INA219_WE::getOverflow(){
    uint16_t val;
    val = readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG);
    if(val & 1){ 
        overflow = true;
    return overflow;

void INA219_WE::startSingleMeasurement(){
    uint16_t val = readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG); // clears CNVR (Conversion Ready) Flag
    val = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, val);
    uint16_t convReady = 0x0000;
        convReady = ((readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG)) & 0x0002); // checks if sampling is completed

bool INA219_WE::startSingleMeasurement(unsigned long timeout_us){
    uint16_t val = readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG); // clears CNVR (Conversion Ready) Flag
    val = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, val);
    uint16_t convReady = 0x0000;
    unsigned long convStart = micros();
    while(!convReady && (micros() - convStart < timeout_us)){
        convReady = ((readRegister(INA219_BUS_REG)) & 0x0002); // checks if sampling is completed
    if(convReady) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

void INA219_WE::powerDown(){
    confRegCopy = readRegister(INA219_CONF_REG);

void INA219_WE::powerUp(){
    writeRegister(INA219_CONF_REG, confRegCopy);

#ifndef USE_TINY_WIRE_M_
uint8_t INA219_WE::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val){
  uint8_t lVal = val & 255;
  uint8_t hVal = val >> 8;
  return _wire->endTransmission();
uint16_t INA219_WE::readRegister(uint8_t reg){
  uint8_t MSByte = 0, LSByte = 0;
  uint16_t regValue = 0;
    MSByte = _wire->read();
    LSByte = _wire->read();
  regValue = (MSByte<<8) + LSByte;
  return regValue;
uint8_t INA219_WE::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val){
  uint8_t lVal = val & 255;
  uint8_t hVal = val >> 8;
  return TinyWireM.endTransmission();
uint16_t INA219_WE::readRegister(uint8_t reg){
  uint8_t MSByte = 0, LSByte = 0;
  uint16_t regValue = 0;
  MSByte = TinyWireM.receive();
  LSByte = TinyWireM.receive();
  regValue = (MSByte<<8) + LSByte;
  return regValue;


а вот сам скетч с заменой шунта:

* Example sketch for the INA219_WE library
* This sketch shows how to use the INA219 module with a shunt different than 
* 0.1 ohms (R100) in continuous mode. 
#* Further information can be found on:
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/ina219 (German)
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/en/ina219-current-and-power-sensor (English)
#include <Wire.h>
#include <INA219_WE.h>
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x40

/* There are several ways to create your INA219 object:
 * INA219_WE ina219 = INA219_WE()              -> uses Wire / I2C Address = 0x40
 * INA219_WE ina219 = INA219_WE(ICM20948_ADDR) -> uses Wire / I2C_ADDRESS
 * INA219_WE ina219 = INA219_WE(&wire2)        -> uses the TwoWire object wire2 / I2C_ADDRESS
 * INA219_WE ina219 = INA219_WE(&wire2, I2C_ADDRESS) -> all together
 * Successfully tested with two I2C busses on an ESP32
INA219_WE ina219 = INA219_WE(I2C_ADDRESS);

void setup() {
    Serial.println("INA219 not connected!");

  /* Set ADC Mode for Bus and ShuntVoltage
  *   * Mode *          * Res / Samples *     * Conversion Time *
    BIT_MODE_9        9 Bit Resolution             84 µs
    BIT_MODE_10       10 Bit Resolution            148 µs  
    BIT_MODE_11       11 Bit Resolution            276 µs
    BIT_MODE_12       12 Bit Resolution            532 µs  (DEFAULT)
    SAMPLE_MODE_2     Mean Value 2 samples         1.06 ms
    SAMPLE_MODE_4     Mean Value 4 samples         2.13 ms
    SAMPLE_MODE_8     Mean Value 8 samples         4.26 ms
    SAMPLE_MODE_16    Mean Value 16 samples        8.51 ms     
    SAMPLE_MODE_32    Mean Value 32 samples        17.02 ms
    SAMPLE_MODE_64    Mean Value 64 samples        34.05 ms
    SAMPLE_MODE_128   Mean Value 128 samples       68.10 ms
  //ina219.setADCMode(SAMPLE_MODE_128); // choose mode and uncomment for change of default
  /* Set measure mode
    POWER_DOWN  - INA219 switched off
    TRIGGERED   - measurement on demand
    ADC_OFF     - Analog/Digital Converter switched off
    CONTINUOUS  - Continuous measurements (DEFAULT)
  // ina219.setMeasureMode(CONTINUOUS); // choose mode and uncomment for change of default
 /* Set PGain
  * Gain *  * Shunt Voltage Range *         * Max Current *
    PG_40          40 mV               0.4 A * 0.1 / shuntSizeInOhms 
    PG_80          80 mV               0.8 A * 0.1 / shuntSizeInOhms 
    PG_160        160 mV               1.6 A * 0.1 / shuntSizeInOhms 
    PG_320        320 mV               3.2 A * 0.1 / shuntSizeInOhms (DEFAULT)
 //ina219.setPGain(PG_320); // choose gain and uncomment for change of default
  /* Set Bus Voltage Range
    BRNG_16   -> 16 V
    BRNG_32   -> 32 V (DEFAULT)
  // ina219.setBusRange(BRNG_32); // choose range and uncomment for change of default

  /* If the current values delivered by the INA219 differ by a constant factor
     from values obtained with calibrated equipment you can define a correction factor.
     Correction factor = current delivered from calibrated equipment / current delivered by INA219
  // ina219.setCorrectionFactor(0.98); // insert your correction factor if necessary

  /* If you experience a shunt voltage offset, that means you detect a shunt voltage which is not 
     zero, although the current should be zero, you can apply a correction. For this, uncomment the 
     following function and apply the offset you have detected.   
  // ina219.setShuntVoltOffset_mV(0.5); // insert the shunt voltage (millivolts) you detect at zero current

  /* Set shunt size
     If you don't use a module with a shunt of 0.1 ohms (R100) you can change set the shunt size 
  ina219.setShuntSizeInOhms(0.0333); // Insert your shunt size in ohms
  Serial.println("INA219 Set Shunt Size"); 

void loop() {
  float shuntVoltage_mV = 0.0;
  float loadVoltage_V = 0.0;
  float busVoltage_V = 0.0;
  float current_mA = 0.0;
  float power_mW = 0.0; 
  bool ina219_overflow = false;
  shuntVoltage_mV = ina219.getShuntVoltage_mV();
  busVoltage_V = ina219.getBusVoltage_V();
  current_mA = ina219.getCurrent_mA();
  power_mW = ina219.getBusPower();
  loadVoltage_V  = busVoltage_V + (shuntVoltage_mV/1000);
  ina219_overflow = ina219.getOverflow();
  Serial.print("Shunt Voltage [mV]: "); Serial.println(shuntVoltage_mV);
  Serial.print("Bus Voltage [V]: "); Serial.println(busVoltage_V);
  Serial.print("Load Voltage [V]: "); Serial.println(loadVoltage_V);
  Serial.print("Current[mA]: "); Serial.println(current_mA);
  Serial.print("Bus Power [mW]: "); Serial.println(power_mW);
    Serial.println("Values OK - no overflow");
    Serial.println("Overflow! Choose higher PGAIN");


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