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Сообщения, опубликованные JOHANY DEPP

  1. On 11/22/2014 at 3:37 AM, StalkerFox said:

    The To the get IT on the ball 2odinakovyh power supply from the computer. There is a desire to repair one's, AT the Same time GAIN Knowledge. The Replace with new input the the filters to 200V (voltage AT Both Differ by only 2C), a diode bridge is the OK , the replace on new capacitors trim level the PWM power section called and the the PWM duty-room, Replaced the burnt assembly Schottky 60A, ran through the bulb, whistles transformer duty-room, replacement by another Given nothing. the All voltages are normal, Semiconductors (the pulse, the Zener diodes, the FR and the Schottky, Products smaller transistors) such as with, of too, all without fault occurred, keys without fault occurred, Looked AT ostsilogrammy on the fronts are klyuchah- recession are inclined, the keys are by themselves is heated, is even dry. Desoldering keys, duty-room to still the beeping. the scheme is not of the found!. the Prompt where clause to dig, CAN someone tell's me the experience in the right direction, not much of kick, only to the begin to Understand for These things.

    In the photo board without a heatsink with keys




      On 4/2/2016 at 9:37 PM, portmik said:

    IC4 the IS TNY of The the SERIES?, The MY THIS Blasted the WAS the IC, to ONLY ONLY I of the WAS ABLE the TO the READ "TNY", ???? PLEASE the SIR the CAN ANYONE the HELP the ME ??

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